Diy articles

gpu diy parallel computing

This techie created a GPU from scratch in under two weeks

Designing custom CPUs and GPUs has become something of a trend for hobbyists of late
In brief: Building your own graphics card is the kind of undertaking that most people wouldn't even dream of attempting. But for one enterprising engineer known as "adammaj" on X/Twitter, constructing a GPU from the ground up wasn't just a crazy idea; it was a challenge conquered in just two weeks, even "with no prior experience."
hobbyist cpu microsoft excel excel

Hobbyist builds fully functioning 16-bit CPU in Microsoft Excel

Turns out, Excel is a lot more interesting than we ever imagined
In a nutshell: In an impressive display of creativity and technical finesse, a hobbyist has managed to build a fully functioning 16-bit CPU entirely within Microsoft Excel. The project provides a unique hands-on way to explore low-level computing concepts and highlights Excel's flexibility beyond boring spreadsheets, letting anyone download and tinker with a miniature computer architecture.