How to flash a os on hard drive partition

Hi all!

I just can't seem to find info about that. I only find flash tools for usb, but none for HDD or SSD. I would like to flash newer version of Abitti os on a SSD partition. Other stuff it has is Win 10, Debian and Opinsys. (Abitti os has to be flashed, there is no installation files)

Also im new, hi!
Hi all!

I just can't seem to find info about that. I only find flash tools for usb, but none for HDD or SSD. I would like to flash newer version of Abitti os on a SSD partition. Other stuff it has is Win 10, Debian and Opinsys. (Abitti os has to be flashed, there is no installation files)

Also im new, hi!
Flashing an OS directly onto a partition can be risky! It erases everything and might not work with your partitions. Instead, consider using a virtual machine like VirtualBox to run Abitti alongside your existing OS.
This lets you try it out safely. If you want a dedicated Abitti install, back up your data and create a separate partition for it using a tool like Disk Management (Windows) or fdisk (Linux). Then you can install Abitti using its ISO file (if available) for a dual boot system. Remember to research Abitti's specific installation instructions for your chosen method!