A Games List of Only Amazing Hidden Indie Gems and Snubs

Zortch is a love letter to FPS games released during the early 2000s

Lol it really is. Sometimes it's a bit like Duke Nukem, then a bit Quake-ish, then like AVP2. Well done.
Rush Rally 3 is a great rally racing game with simcade physics and gameplay, I highly recommend it too!

Pseudoregalia is nice at first, but the absence of any in-game map really hurts it as a 3D metroidvania. There's also little variation in the environments. For me it's the kind of game that gets more tedious as you progress.

A Highland Song is super meh and not very polished, and the scot hillbilly voice acting really put me off. Didn't like it.

I'm going to have to take a look at El Paso Elsewhere and Zortch, look like games I could enjoy. Have never heard of Zortch. Heard of El Paso Elsewhere in name but had no idea it was a retro Max Payne-inspired third person shooter.

Also, for retro 16-bit era arcade racing lovers, check this one out: