

Amazing technology often starts here. Exploring breakthroughs and discoveries across biology, physics, chemistry, and earth science.

riddle webb james webb telescope

Riddle me this: What is the deep-space question mark astronomers found in this Webb NIRCam photo?

In context: Since its launch a little over a year and a half ago, the James Webb Space Telescope has given astronomers, scientists, and the public unprecedented views of the distant universe. As NASA's largest and most powerful telescope, JWTS can scan further than we have ever seen, sparking brand-new discoveries. But what is Batman's Riddler doing out there?
baccam dna storage

BacCam is a biological camera that turns DNA into an image-storing device

Forward-looking: Companies and research institutions have been exploring DNA as a potential "storage system" for archiving digital data for a long time. A new approach is now emerging, offering additional financial incentives by eliminating the need for complex and expensive lab-created DNA strands from scratch. This novel variation in the field shows promise in terms of cost-effectiveness and simplicity.
silicon-perovskite solar power solar cells

Silicon-perovskite solar cells are on the verge of revolutionizing power generation efficiency

Forward-looking: Traditional solar power cells are based on a silicon semiconductor compound, which is known to have a theoretical maximum efficiency of 29 percent in converting sunlight into electric energy. However, by incorporating a second perovskite layer onto the base silicon layer, solar cells have the potential to surpass this efficiency threshold in the near future.
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