

Computing is everywhere: smartphones, tablets, wearables and apps. Mobile trends that are revolutionizing our digital, on-the-go lives.

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Apple flips Epic Games ban less than 24 hours after the EU opened an investigation

Like a kid caught in the act, Cupertino gives Epic its license back
Round 10: Watching Apple and Epic duke it out for the past four years causes one to wonder if they will ever get along. Their very public US court bout is long past, with neither feeling like the victor. As the European Commission bears down on Apple, the boxing match continues, with Cupertino throwing punches to defend its walled garden and Epic hiding behind the referee hoping for a low-blow penalty point.
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Google is testing a feature that holds customer service calls for you until a human representative arrives

Forward-looking: Most people dread calling customer service numbers because it usually means navigating a menu of automated options and then waiting on hold while listening to elevator music, sometimes for over an hour, before speaking to a live person. Google is testing a feature that allows technology to take your place for the initial steps of a call.
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